Black Skin People

“Blacks”. Why do we use that label, when we refer to a part of the population? It has no scientific basis.

Instead, we should call them black skin people. This makes sense.

But, in some circles, it wouldn’t be acceptable. Because saying “that person with black skin” instead of “that black guy” would be admitting he’s equal to everyone else, in terms of intelligence and rights.

I am Caucasian. So, I am a “white guy”. Why don’t we say I’m a person with white skin? That I am part of the white skin people? It would eliminate any reference to the past, present or future of what “white” people have said or done. There would be a lot less emotional impact in the conversation, the article, the book, the TV program, etc…

Yeah, ok, it would sell a lot less books and movies. So what? Don’t we want more peace in this world? It’s as if entertainment is our highest priority. Are we that bored?

The mainstream media might say so. Some extreme right politicians might hate such a mentality, because it would reduce their influence and power considerably.

I know, I started this post as if I wanted to talk about “black” people and the fight for their rights. But, at this point in time, it should not even be a relevant subject around the world.

What do you think?

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